Imagine you are shipwrecked on a deserted island. A ship passes by and you fail to scream and shout and wave your arms. This begs major questions. My favorite farm & food marketing competitors are those who take this very approach to selling fresh foods. I notice so many marketers that pour massive energy into making and producing products, followed by erecting the deserted island display.
We've all seen them the display that's 4-5 feet back from any other displays. If you blinked you'd miss it. You can almost see through the display...and someone's sitting awkwardly behind it half hiding, half ready to pounce on the next passer by.
Here's a four steps to ensure you're not the "market's wall flower."
1. Door vs. Window Approach: Design a display you can't see through! Make your wares visible by spreading them out to minimize seeing what's behind you instead.
2. Line it Up: Move forward to be in-line with all other vendors and level the selling field. Have some confidence in your product, and give it the view it deserves.
3. Loosen Up: If your product's not worth standing up for, then get out of business. If it doesn't appeal to everyone sit down and stop trying to pounce on visitors. Selling your product is a fine balance of offensive selling to generate interest, then back off and let the customers decide.
4. Get off the Island: If other vendors don't show up to market in a week asked to be moved closer to another main vendor, or move as close to them as your space allows. Don't be caught being the lone small vendor in the middle of a large open space.
Do everything you can to "get off the island" and get marketing! Best luck.
We've all seen them the display that's 4-5 feet back from any other displays. If you blinked you'd miss it. You can almost see through the display...and someone's sitting awkwardly behind it half hiding, half ready to pounce on the next passer by.
Here's a four steps to ensure you're not the "market's wall flower."
1. Door vs. Window Approach: Design a display you can't see through! Make your wares visible by spreading them out to minimize seeing what's behind you instead.
2. Line it Up: Move forward to be in-line with all other vendors and level the selling field. Have some confidence in your product, and give it the view it deserves.
3. Loosen Up: If your product's not worth standing up for, then get out of business. If it doesn't appeal to everyone sit down and stop trying to pounce on visitors. Selling your product is a fine balance of offensive selling to generate interest, then back off and let the customers decide.
4. Get off the Island: If other vendors don't show up to market in a week asked to be moved closer to another main vendor, or move as close to them as your space allows. Don't be caught being the lone small vendor in the middle of a large open space.
Do everything you can to "get off the island" and get marketing! Best luck.