This Guest Post was written by Rose Van Nieuwenhuyzen, Waverly Plastics
Is it possible to save money on supply items and simultaneously enhance the image that you care about your customers? With the right bagging system in your produce department, it is not only possible, it is likely!
Have you ever seen the produce department littered with bags laying all over the food, the floor, and being pulled like toilet tissue off the roll (usually by small children looking to overcome their boredom during the grocery shopping experience)?
With the boxed produce bags, such as: the Tug & Tote bagging system, by Waverly Plastics there is a way you can clean up the department, and save a lot of mess and expense. The system is designed to be professionally integrated into the produce department; packed in a PBH sanctioned box to present the image of caring for your customer’s health. More Matters is prominently displayed as a healthy reminder that fruits and veggies matter to you and that you care for your clientele.
There is no need for intrusive, sometimes wobbly and unsafe floor stands, which block the access to and the view of your beautiful produce displays. The one-at-a-time dispensing eliminates waste compared to exposed roll bags due to early change-out of stub rolls. This represents a savings of as much as 8% or more of your current bag expense! No mess, no struggling to re-start the roll or hang the bags. This saves labor and presents cleanliness in the department.
The bag itself offers yet another unique cleanliness feature, since the closed end is the leading edge, and no-one except the person filling the bag will touch the inside of that bag!
Something as “commodity” as a plastic bag can do wonders for your image in the store and will save money on a supply item where you thought it wasn’t possible in any other way than to buy a cheap, small bag. Your customers will appreciate the look and the result of this innovative system.
Is it possible to save money on supply items and simultaneously enhance the image that you care about your customers? With the right bagging system in your produce department, it is not only possible, it is likely!
Have you ever seen the produce department littered with bags laying all over the food, the floor, and being pulled like toilet tissue off the roll (usually by small children looking to overcome their boredom during the grocery shopping experience)?
With the boxed produce bags, such as: the Tug & Tote bagging system, by Waverly Plastics there is a way you can clean up the department, and save a lot of mess and expense. The system is designed to be professionally integrated into the produce department; packed in a PBH sanctioned box to present the image of caring for your customer’s health. More Matters is prominently displayed as a healthy reminder that fruits and veggies matter to you and that you care for your clientele.
There is no need for intrusive, sometimes wobbly and unsafe floor stands, which block the access to and the view of your beautiful produce displays. The one-at-a-time dispensing eliminates waste compared to exposed roll bags due to early change-out of stub rolls. This represents a savings of as much as 8% or more of your current bag expense! No mess, no struggling to re-start the roll or hang the bags. This saves labor and presents cleanliness in the department.
The bag itself offers yet another unique cleanliness feature, since the closed end is the leading edge, and no-one except the person filling the bag will touch the inside of that bag!
Something as “commodity” as a plastic bag can do wonders for your image in the store and will save money on a supply item where you thought it wasn’t possible in any other way than to buy a cheap, small bag. Your customers will appreciate the look and the result of this innovative system.
Additional Comments and Product Review from Merchandise Food Blog owner Jonathan Raduns: In my consulting work at Merchandise Food I regularly present ideas to clients on how to save money while merchandising to make more! From time to time I like to highlight specific ideas I think will benefit the fresh produce industry, and give independent grocery retailers a competitive edge. While I have not done direct business with Waverly plastics I have found their follow-through and professionalism to be intact with my recent interactions. I have reviewed a sample of the system and find them highly functional, attractive and for some retailers offer an apparent cost savings. In that case I recommend giving a bag in box system a try or test in a group of stores. Cost containment can be a great way to increase produce gross profit and for most retailers produce bags are one of the greatest supply costs in the department. I found the system to work well and the brackets were highly durable. One might also consider private labeling a box for in-store messaging or proprietary branding if possible. Thanks Rose for sharing some thoughts on improving profitability in fresh produce departments. I have not done a cost comparison, however Waverly claims many clients have lowered costs using this system. In today's competitive environment, it makes sense to me to give it a test.